Growing Microgreens – Attempt #1

rather wise person once said: “If life throws you a lemon, then it’s time for some Tequila shots!” A wise person, indeed!

And 2020 is so far more sour than lemons and hurts more than lemon juice being poured onto open wounds. People lost their jobs, or for those who still have one, are in fear of losing it anytime soon if things don’t get better. And being forced to stay home gives us a lot of time to think… Up to the point of overthinking that adds more stress to the endless hand washing and disinfecting every little thing we bring into our place. And came to the rescue the things we normally don’t have much time to do – drawing, painting, knitting, sewing, cooking or gardening.

So I decided to test whether I had green thumbs or not. Potted greenery is obviously the only viable option given where I live. But what about the edible greens? The experts say it would spend only a fraction of the cost of buying them fresh at the store… We’ll see about that!

A few clicks at in one morning and 6-7 hours later this package was in my hands already:

Geo Plus Sprouter Kit

I honestly did not immediately work on it. Mostly because some of the seeds required 10 hours soaking and I am allegedly a great procrastinator! Days later I finally got to it after a few researches on Youtube. Here’s how the growth looked like:


OK, this is actually more difficult than what I thought. I had to throw away the whole middle tray because it started to smell funny and those little bastards obviously had given up. It looked like there was too much water or too many seeds that got clumped and failed to sprout. I have no idea how those people managed to make all of the tiny seeds grow and fill up the trays. But at least for the next few days I had these beautiful, nutritious greens for my meals (plus these babies look great in close-up photos).



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